Honda Accord

of release

Repair and operation of the car

Honda Chord
+ Cars of the Honda Accord brand
+ Settings and routine maintenance
- Engine
   + Four-cylinder engines
   - V6 engines
      Preparatory actions and the list of repair procedures which can be executed without extraction of the engine from the car
      Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in the provision of the top dead point (TDP)
      Removal and installation of covers of heads of cylinders
      Removal and installation of the inlet pipeline
      Removal and installation of final collectors
      Removal, check of a state and installation of a gas-distributing belt and cogwheels of the GRM drive
      Replacement of a forward epiploon of a bent shaft
      The VTEC system - the general information
      Removal, check of a state and installation of assembly of yokes
      Removal, check of a state and installation of camshafts
      Replacement of maslootrazhatelny caps and valvate springs with plates
      Removal and installation of heads of cylinders
      Removal and installation of the pallet of a case of the engine
      Removal, check of a state and installation of the oil pump
      Removal and installation of a driving disk
      Replacement of a back epiploon of a bent shaft
      Check of a state and replacement of support of a suspension bracket of the power unit (V6 Engines)
      System of correction of a suspension bracket of the power unit - the general information and check of serviceability of functioning
   + General and capital repairs of the engine
+ Cooling systems, heating
+ Power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Engine management
+ Gear shifting box
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Schemes of electric equipment

Removal, check of a state and installation of camshafts



1. Uncover heads of cylinders (see the Section Removal and installation of covers of heads of cylinders), a gas-distributing belt and cogwheels (see the Section Removal, check of a state and installation of a gas-distributing belt and cogwheels of the GRM drive).
2. Remove the ignition distributor (see the Head Elektrooborudovaniye of the engine).
3. Remove assemblies of yokes (see the Section Removal, check of a state and installation of assembly of yokes).

4. Remove the EGR valve (see the Head Engine management) for the purpose of ensuring access to a back plate of fastening of the camshaft.

Before taking camshafts, measure their axial side play.

5. Remove a plate of the holder of the back camshaft.

6. Accurately take the camshaft from a head of cylinders, trying not to damage its cams and necks.



1. Remembering an order of ustanovkiotdelny details, make dismantle of assembly of yokes, then a priboltita the axes exempted from components on the regular places in a head of cylinders. Tighten fixture with the required effort.

2. Fix the dial measuring instrument so that its plunger rested against a camshaft end face. Take away a shaft back against the stop (the end of the lever wind with an adhesive tape in order to avoid damage of working surfaces of a shaft), nullify the measuring instrument, then shift a shaft against the stop to the opposite side. Consider indications of the measuring instrument, write down result and compare it to standard requirements to an axial side play of camshafts (see Specifications). If the read instrument exceeds the limit of admissible range, the shaft is subject to replacement.

3. Having checked an axial side play, remove axes of yokes, then take a shaft from a head of cylinders. Measure diameters of necks and height of cams. Verify results of measurements with requirements of the Specification (for V6 engines). Visually estimate degree of wear of shaft, - pay attention to such things as scratches, teases, cavities and signs of an overheat.

Pay attention to difference in an arrangement of cams on forward and back camshafts.



1. Remove back covers of a gas-distributing belt from both heads of cylinders for the purpose of ensuring access to epiploons of camshafts.

2. Replacement of epiploons has to be made every time when dismantling head/dismantle of shaft. Extraction of old epiploons is made by a poddevaniye by their special tool, or the screw-driver with a flat sting.

3. Oil sponges of a new epiploon pure motive, then put it perpendicularly in the nest on the same depth on what the old epiploon was put. As a mandrel for landing of an epiploon it is possible to use a face head of the corresponding size, or a piece of a pipe of suitable diameter.

4. Carefully wipe with the rags moistened in acetone the camshaft, beds of its bearings in a head of cylinders and covers, and also yokes of the drive of valves. Try to remove completely the slightest traces of slime and dirt. For rubbing of components use only pure неворсящуюся rags. Grease necks and cams of a shaft with special assembly lubricant and accurately establish a shaft on regular places in the head.

5. Grease and establish a new sealing ring on a plate of the holder of a shaft. Priboltite a plate on the regular place on a head of cylinders.

6. Working in a similar manner (see paragraphs 4 and 5), install the second camshaft in the head of cylinders.
7. Working as it should be, the return to a dismantle order, install all remained components on the places. Check installation of valvate gaps, in case of need make their adjustment (see the Head Nastroyki and routine maintenance).
8. Start the engine and check it for existence of leak of oil through epiploons of camshafts. Let's the engine work within about five minutes on small turns for the purpose of removal of air from assemblies of proofreaders of valvate gaps. Make sure of serviceability of functioning of the unit.

The first five minutes after primary start the valvate mechanism will work with the increased noise. If noise level then does not decrease, it can indicate defect of one of proofreaders of valvate gaps.