Honda Accordof releaseRepair and operation of the car |
Honda Chord + Cars of the Honda Accord brand + Settings and routine maintenance + Engine + Cooling systems, heating + Power supply system and release + Engine electric equipment - Engine management System of onboard diagnostics (OBD) - the principle of functioning and codes of malfunctions Removal and PCM/ECM installation Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the sensor of provision of a butterfly valve (TPS) Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the sensor of absolute pressure in the pipeline (MAR) Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the sensor of temperature of the soaked-up air (IAT) Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the sensor of temperature of cooling liquid of the engine (EST) Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the sensor of VMT/provision of a bent shaft (TDC/ICR) Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the sensor of position of pistons (CYP) Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the detector of control of electric loadings (ELD) Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the sensor switch of pressure in system of hydrostrengthening of a wheel (PSP) Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the oxygen sensor (l-probe) Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the sensor of a detonation Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the sensor of speed of the movement of the car (VSS) Check of serviceability of functioning and replacement of the valve of stabilization of turns of idling (IAC) Check of serviceability of functioning and replacement of the air valve of correction of composition of air-fuel mix (FIA) System of the operated ventilation of a case (PCV) System of recirculation of the fulfilled gases (EGR) - the general information, check of a state and replacement of components System of catching of fuel evaporations (EVAP) - the general information, check of a state and replacement of components The catalytic converter - the general information, check of a state and replacement + Gear shifting box + Coupling and power shafts + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + Onboard electric equipment + Schemes of electric equipment ŠKODA | Беспроводной парктроник с камерой заднего вида. | Смотри здесь автозвук в воронеже. |
Check of serviceability of functioning and replacement of the valve of stabilization of turns of idling (IAC) General information When the engine works at single turns, the composition of air-fuel mix is controlled by means of the valve of stabilization of turns of idling (IAC). Activation of the IAC valve is made at the command of RSM, depending on the current load of the engine (turning on of the conditioner of air, use of the power steering, unit temperature, etc.). The valve regulates the size of the air stream given to the inlet pipeline bypassing a butterfly valve. Obtains basic data of RSM from VSS, EST sensors, PSP sensors switches and operation of a clutch coupling of the К/В compressor. Depending on the current load of the engine the module as appropriate corrects turns of its idling. In order to avoid violation of stability of turns of idling at start of the engine the IAC valve opens at the time of a provorachivaniye of the last and remains open right after start for some time, providing supply of additional air in the inlet pipeline.CHECK