Honda Accord

of release

Repair and operation of the car

Honda Chord
+ Cars of the Honda Accord brand
+ Settings and routine maintenance
- Engine
   - Four-cylinder engines
      Preparatory actions and the list of repair procedures which can be executed without extraction of the engine from the car
      Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in the provision of the top dead point (TDP)
      Removal and installation of a cover of a head of cylinders
      The VTEC system - the general information and check of a condition of components
      Removal, check of a state and installation of assembly of yokes
      Replacement of maslootrazhatelny caps and valvate springs with plates
      Removal and installation of the inlet pipeline
      Removal and installation of a final collector
      Removal, check of a state and installation of cogwheels and belt of the drive of balancing shaft
      Removal, check of a state and installation of a gas-distributing belt and cogwheels of the GRM drive
      Replacement of a forward epiploon of a bent shaft
      Removal, check of a state and installation of the camshaft
      Removal and installation of a head of cylinders
      Removal and installation of the pallet of a case of the engine
      Removal, check of a state and installation of the oil pump
      Removal and installation of a flywheel / driving disk
      Replacement of a back epiploon of a bent shaft
      Check of a state and replacement of support of a suspension bracket of the power unit
      System of correction of a suspension bracket of the power unit - the general information and check of serviceability of functioning
   + V6 engines
   + General and capital repairs of the engine
+ Cooling systems, heating
+ Power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Engine management
+ Gear shifting box
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Schemes of electric equipment

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Removal and installation of a flywheel / driving disk



1. The car also establish to Poddomkratta it on props. Remove the transmission (see the Head Korobk of gear shifting).
2. On models remove coupling assembly from RKPP (see the Head Stsepleniye and power shafts). At once check a condition of components of coupling and the directing bearing.

3. Turn out bolts of fastening of a flywheel / a driving disk to a bent shaft. If in the course of weakening of bolts the shaft begins to be turned, remove a starter (see the Head Elektrooborudovaniye of the engine) and jam the screw-driver between teeths of a wreath of a flywheel (RKPP), or pass a long drift throughout one of openings of a driving disk, having rested it against a ledge on the block (AT).

4. Remove a flywheel / a driving disk from a bent shaft.

The weight of assembly of a flywheel / a driving disk is very considerable, - it will be reasonable to resort to the help of the assistant. Put on working gloves not to cut a hand about keen edges of teeths of a wreath of assembly.

5. Carefully wipe a flywheel with the rags moistened in acetone, having completely removed from it traces of oil and lubricant. Check a working surface of a flywheel for existence of cracks, the furrows left heads of rivets of a frictional clutch plate, traces of an overheat and zadir. Minor defects can be eliminated by means of a fine-grained emery paper. Check a gear wreath for existence of cracks and chips of teeths. Lay a flywheel on a flat surface for the purpose of assessment of its planeness (use the planeness measuring instrument). In case of need give assembly to a pro-point.
6. Wipe the interfaced flywheel surfaces / a driving disk and a bent shaft. If signs of leak of oil through a back epiploon of a bent shaft take place, make its replacement (see the Section Replacement of a Back Epiploon of a Bent Shaft).



1. Establish a flywheel / a driving disk on a bent shaft.

On some engines the directing pin is provided, or fixing openings are located asymmetrically that guarantees unambiguity of landing of assembly. Before rolling fixing bolts, grease their carving part with the fixing sealant.

2. Having blocked a flywheel / a driving disk from a provorachivaniye (see paragraph 3), tighten fixing bolts with the required effort in a diagonal order.
3. Further installation is made as it should be, the return to an order of dismantle of components.